March 5, 2021

My Journey to God

When God Doesn’t Heal Now

We hear a sorrowful voice speaking with lament
Is this the world condition for which Jesus was sent?
Is this the same world that Jesus is fervently grieving?
Throughout the world voices are raised lamenting.

Is it within this world Jesus strives to save human souls?
Behold his love for everyone whom he faithfully holds
He continues from his Sacred Heart a plea for world change
To press on to heaven and so break earthly chains.

Why doesn’t God with His power heal the world now?
Healing first begins within us, if our pride will allow
It is within our hearts that all the healing should begin
God will help us if we first address the healing from within.

Healing will come when it begins within the human heart
God allows bad things to happen so that healing may start
Bad things will continue to happen with each generation
But God gives the gifts and grace needed for our own resurrection.

By Thomas J. Rillo

(Thomas J. Rillo is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and is a Benedictine oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad.)

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