April 7, 2023

An Easter Message from Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

(En Espanol)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

Archbishop Charles C. ThompsonGreetings in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ! Having reached the pinnacle of our liturgical year, we have great cause to celebrate with Easter joy. Perhaps the only experience more profound than discovering an empty tomb of a loved one is that of encountering that same person having risen from the dead. We embark on the 50 days of Easter—culminating with Pentecost Sunday—to celebrate what was beyond human imagination, namely, the resurrection of the dead.

When it comes to being raised from the dead, we should be clear about the distinction between resurrection and resuscitation. One who is resuscitated, such as Lazarus, eventually dies again. One who is resurrected, such as Jesus, dies no more. The Easter celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ marks His victory over sin and death. While we mourn for loved ones who have gone before us in death, longing to see them again, our greatest desire is for their resurrection with Jesus Christ.

Through His passion, death and resurrection, in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ has proven to be the Savior of the world and the Redeemer of humanity.

At one time or another, more often some than others, we have all lived under the shadow of the cross—experiencing grief, despair, loneliness, injustice, sickness and loss. Many carry wounds of sadness, fear, guilt, bitterness, shame, uncertainty, anxiety, illness and hurt. Uniting our wounds with the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the transforming grace of healing, forgiveness and reconciliation is made available to us. Whatever our plight in life, we have cause to rejoice in Him.

I pray that this Easter season be filled with an abundance of grace, mercy, peace and joy beyond what we can possibly imagine. Jesus Christ is Risen! He lives! He remains present to us, especially in the Eucharist—His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity—leading us on the path of salvation. Alleluia, Alleluia!

Blessings in the Risen Lord Jesus Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

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