July 14, 2023

Gabriel Project helps moms at several locations in central Indiana

Gabriel Project logoWalking with Moms is a monthly feature highlighting organizations that help—and need support in helping—expecting and parenting mothers in need in central and southern Indiana.

Gabriel Project

Through parish Gabriel Project ministries, trained volunteers called “angels” support pregnant mothers’ choice for life through emotional and spiritual assistance and accompaniment. Some parish ministries also help meet pregnant mothers’ material needs in the form of donated items.

At least six Gabriel Project chapters exist at parishes in Brownsburg, Greenwood, Indianapolis and Plainfield, as reported to The Criterion.

There are also two Gabriel Project resource centers in Indianapolis offering material support to pregnant mothers; a local hotline and website; and a Gabriel Project ministry doing business as 1st Choice for Women Pregnancy Care Center in Indianapolis.

Hotline: 833-937-4968 (317-946-3813 en Español) for pregnant mothers to be connected with local help.

Website: Go to www.goangels.org for information on abortion pill reversal and to learn about ways to support Gabriel Project financially, through donated items and through volunteering.

Resource centers in Indianapolis:

• St. Joseph Parish, 1401 S. Mickley Ave., Indianapolis. Open Thursdays 1-4:30 p.m.

• St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower) Parish, 4720 E. 13th St., Indianapolis. Mothers in need can call Anita at 317-918-0997 to arrange a meeting time.

Both resource centers help any pregnant or parenting woman regardless of location. Both offer clothes, diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, lotion, bathtubs, baby towels and washcloths, activity mats, strollers, bounce seats and other baby items as donated. They CANNOT take used cribs, used mattresses or used car seats.

Current needs at St. Joseph location: diapers size 3, 5 and 6, diaper bags, pack-and-plays, strollers, bathtubs, bottles, activity mats and a steady supply of baby wash and baby lotion. Do NOT need clothing. Items can be ordered online and delivered to Linda Kile, 5616 Nodlehs Crt., Indianapolis, IN, 46221.

Current needs at Little Flower location: clothes, baby wash and lotion, wipes, any size diapers, pack-and-plays, new car seats, strollers, bathtubs, bottles, activity mats, baby toys. Call Anita at 317-918-0997 to arrange a meeting time.

1st Choice for Women Pregnancy Care Center:

Currently being renovated. In need of 1) experienced grant writer (volunteer), and 2) financial donations for renovation. Make donations online at www.goangels.org or send acheck made out to The Gabriel Project to: The Gabriel Project, P.O. Box 422, Camby, IN, 46113. Also, go to sevenweekscoffee.com/?ref=1st to purchase Seven Weeks Coffee (so named because at seven weeks gestation, a baby is about the size of a coffee bean), and 10% of the purchase price goes to 1st Choice for Women Pregnancy Care Center.

Parish Gabriel Project ministries

Those wishing to donate money or items or to volunteer for a parish Gabriel Project ministry can reach the ministry leader as follows:

• SS. Francis and Clare of Assisi Parish, Greenwood: Parish office, 317-859-4673

• St. Ann Parish, Indianapolis: Mike, 317-757-9141

• St. Malachy Parish, Brownsburg: Parish office, 317-852-3195

• St. Monica Parish, Indianapolis: Steve, 317-875-9817

• St. Susanna Parish, Plainfield: Michelle, 317-437-9991

• St. Therese of the Infant Jesus (Little Flower) Parish: Anita, 317-918-0997 †

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