Archbishop and planning participants

Go Forth in Joy & Hope as Missionary Disciples!

Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan

A process is underway whereby representatives from throughout southern and central Indiana are helping to write a strategic Pastoral Plan for the archdiocese.  While a steering committee—made up of a diverse assortment of women and men from various parts of our archdiocese—is helping to shepherd this project, much input is being gathered through several listening sessions as well as an online survey.

Visit this page often for updates on the process of drafting, refining and implementing this articulation of priorities for our local Church.  And please pray that God’s will continues being discerned in this Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan process!

Learn more about:    Prayer   |   Listening Sessions   |   Online Survey   |   Letter from Archbishop Thompson   |   News


(Download in English)

Heavenly Father, you bless us with joy and hope,
and you call us to be missionary disciples of your Son,
our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Make your Holy Spirit powerfully present, we pray,
as we discern your will for our Archdiocese in the years ahead.
Eucharistic-centered in identity and mission, may we be a Church
that goes out to the margins, seeking the lost,
bringing your healing mercy to the people of central and southern Indiana.

Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the New Evangelization,
help us to advance the mission and ministry of Jesus,
by the unifying power of the Holy Spirit.

+ Amen.


(Download in Spanish)

Padre celestial, nos bendices con alegría y esperanza,
y nos llamas a ser discípulos misioneros de tu Hijo,
nuestro salvador, Jesucristo.

Te pedimos que tu Espíritu Santo esté poderosamente presente
mientras discernimos tu voluntad para nuestra Arquidiócesis en los años venideros.

Con una identidad y misión centradas en la Eucaristía, permítenos ser una Iglesia
que salga a las periferias en busca de los perdidos,
llevando tu misericordia sanadora a la gente del centro y sur de Indiana.

Por intercesión de la Santísima Virgen María, Estrella de la Nueva Evangelización,
ayúdanos a avanzar en la misión y el ministerio de Jesús,
por el poder unificador del Espíritu Santo.

+ Amén.

Listening Sessions

October 3—6-8 p.m., St. Ambrose Parish, 325 S. Chestnut St., Seymour.
October 5—10 a.m.-noon, St. Benedict Parish, 111 S. Ninth St., Terre Haute.
October 19—10 a.m.-noon, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, 316 N. Sherwood Ave., Clarksville.
October 26—2-4 p.m. CST, St. Boniface Parish, N. State Road 545, Fulda.
October 30—6:30-8:30 p.m., St. Mark the Evangelist Parish, 535 E. Edgewood Ave., Indianapolis.
November 6—6:30-8:30 p.m., St. Luke the Evangelist Parish, 7575 Holliday Dr., East, Indianapolis


November 5—6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. eastern, Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis.
November 21—6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., St. Mary Parish, 415 E. Eighth St., New Albany.

Online Survey

Links coming soon!

A Letter from Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

Archbishop Charles C. ThompsonDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Go forth in joy and hope as missionary disciples!

With these words we look back gratefully to the National Eucharistic Congress held here in our archdiocese July 17–21, 2024. At the conclusion of this Spirit-filled event, Cardinal Luis Tagle, the personal representative of Pope Francis, urged us to “Go!” and share with everyone the joy that comes with a personal encounter with our Savior Jesus Christ.

We also look forward to the 2025 Jubilee Year whose theme is: Pilgrims of Hope. "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us,” Pope Francis teaches, “and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.”

Finally, with these words we are beginning a process of strategic pastoral planning that will invite Catholics throughout central and southern Indiana to respond to three important questions:

  1. Where are we today?
  2. Where is God calling us to go?
  3. How will we get there together?

By conducting Listening Sessions in various regions of the archdiocese, and by making a series of questions available to everyone on the archdiocesan website, we will seek to engage as many people as possible in setting direction for our future as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

Please join me in asking our archdiocesan patrons St. Francis Xavier and St. Mother Theodore Guérin to help us Go forth in joy and hope as missionary disciples!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

- Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

News Coverage

Schedule is set for remainder of listening sessions for pastoral planning process

Catholics from across southeastern Indiana take part in listening session





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